Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal Essex High Schoo headshot

Jonathan Scott  

Assistant Principal Essex High School 
Email Jonathan Scott  

Hello, Essex High School and Trojan Family!

I hope this message finds you in high spirits and eager for the new school year. I am Jonathan Scott the newly appointed Assistant Principal here at Essex High School, I am thrilled to become apart of this exceptional team of educators and support staff. I am here to lend a helping hand, a listening ear, and a collaborative spirit to assist you to invaluable work. My door is always open, and I encourage you to share your thoughts, ideas, and challenges as we work together to create the best possible culture and educational experience for our students. I look forward to meeting each of you personally and learning from your expertise and experiences. Together, we will embrace the opportunities and overcome the challenges that lie ahead, as we strive to make a positive difference in the lives of our students. Thank you and I eagerly anticipate the start of incredible journey with all of you.

Best Regards,
Jonathan Scott
Essex High School Assistant Principal