

Greetings from Essex High School!

I am Damean Barfield, proud principal of Essex High School, the pride and joy of Tappahannock. I write to you to share “ My Why” and why this body of transformative work is so important. As a youth from small beginnings, my parents always instilled in me the value of education. I heard all of the catchphrases such as education is key, a diploma opens doors, and reading is fundamental, to name a few. At some point in my life, the phrases clicked and they became a reality.

Now, it is my duty, my mission to educate, motivate, and contribute to the inner peace of our youth. My why is because someone did it to me and for me. It is my reasonable expectation to give back. Our young people have the capacity to experience learning opportunities that will change their lives forever. Moreover, my why includes me, building and fostering relationships with our school community in an atmosphere of love, safety, and kindness. Ultimately, my why is because I care!

Educationally yours,
Damean Barfield