EHS Students

Essex High School’s innovative March Madness Attendance Competition ended in excitement as Ms. Holden’s 1st Block class earned a celebratory breakfast from McDonald's on April 8, 2024. The competition, designed to boost school attendance rates, saw enthusiastic participation across grades, with students striving for perfect attendance and the chance to win a variety of prizes.

Throughout March, the attendance initiative mimicked the NCAA’s March Madness, with classes competing to achieve the highest attendance rates. Ms. Holden’s class showed remarkable commitment, leading to their well-deserved win.

The celebration will include a special breakfast for the class, featuring favorites from McDonald's. "It's a fun way to reward our students and I am thrilled that our class won. The breakfast is just icing on the cake," commented one of Ms. Holden’s students.

In addition to the class reward, students who maintained perfect attendance during the competition were entered into a raffle. Prizes ranged from gift certificates to coveted tickets to Kings Dominion.

Great Job Students!